Fair warning: this domain, and by proxy this forum, is not affiliated with or endorsed by SpaceX.
When I originally purchased the domain, it was in a bid to bring myself closer to the inspiring narratives brought forward by the company in the years since I originally watched Falcon 1 reach orbit for the first time. I hoped to have the time to develop something meaningful here, but as a software developer, aerospace engineer, pilot, and maker/hobbyist, that time hasn't been found quite yet.
So rather than just sit on the domain and do nothing, I am putting up this message board in the off chance that you and maybe the people you bring make it a useful place for vibrant and compelling discussion about SpaceX, space flight, and the broader aerospace industry (special thanks to the people over at Flarum for making an awesome message board that was easy to set up).
Who knows, maybe when I remember to look at this months from now, a few idle internet pioneers will have descended here and made it just that. Or maybe, finally, the time will finally turn up to vest further. Thanks for stopping by and...
Until then,